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WoodLogic is a leading furniture manufacturer in Botswana. We custom make wooden and office furniture on order for clients both private, commercial and government

Some of our clients include:

Department of Prisons

Department of Lands and Housing

Department of Surveys and Mapping

Department of Exam

Department of Finance

Bank Gaborone


Some previous clients include:

Department of Procurement, Accountant General

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture

Botswana Police Services

Botswana Defence Force




The process of manufacturing is divided into sections as follows: Material Processing, Veneer Plant, Carpentry & Joinery, Spray Shop, and Dispatch.


1. Material Processing:

The process starts here where all raw material is kept. The board is cut to size according to the products dimensions. Those are then sent to the veneer plant. The timber is cut to size, grooved, shaped and machined dependant on what is called for by the product. That is then sent to carpentry of application onto the products.


2. Veneer Plant:

The veneering plant section then create panels of veneer of the same size as the boards and press the veneers with glue onto the boards received from material processing.Finally the veneered board is cleaned and sandpapered, followed by a quality control process and then sent to Carpentry.


3. Carpentry & Joinery

All the material that has been through the first two sections is then assembled into the product as per the job card. Then the other components like drawers and edgings are fitted. Once completed the product is then sent on.


4. Spray Shop

Once the product has dried it will be fitted with necessary hardware, handles, locks and castors and is then ready for delivery or collection.



Quality control has to be managed very carefully as each section plays key roles in producing a complete product. Below are the personnel in charge of each sections quality control and attached is an organogram highlighting these positions as well as a list of all job descriptions involved in making our products.


At each section each supervisor is responsible for checking that whatever leaves that section is according to the specifications of the product. As an added control random inspections are conducted on a daily basis by the Operations Manager ensuring the material coming out of each section is suitable.



We are proudly employee over 40 citizens from Botswana. We have also given training and provided hands on experience to many skill personnel who are either working on their own or with other furniture manufacturers.




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